“Bricks & Martyrs” Album Released

Liz Jones & Broken Windows second album “Bricks and Martyrs” has been released. Tracks have been played by BBC radio and it has received excellent reviews from fans and critics alike. It is available on CD and download from Liz’s website and all the usual places. My thanks to Liz and her band for trusting me to produce this album for them.

It so happens that Bricks & Martyrs is a classy collection of blues/Americana/folkie/jazzy roots music that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the best of that ilk that Britain has to offer. I kid you not… This is an album in which all concerned seem to delight in what they’re conjuring up, in the most ego-free way, and it’s captured by producer Jen Clark with admirable clarity

Blues Enthused

With an intimate sounding production from Jennifer Clark that perfectly fits the musical mood (tracked live in the studio; Clark also mixed & mastered the album, which has both warmth and sonic clarity) Bricks & Martyrs is also rootsy Slick & Marvellous.


Without getting too carried away with hyperbole; to some intents this is the type of album I’d have hoped a young Dusty Springfield would make were she to have been born 50 years later.

Rocking Magpie Review

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“Bricks & Martyrs” Album Released ultima modifica: 2021-12-30T00:14:54+00:00 da jennifer clark