Flush mounting my main monitor speakers has substantially improved the accuracy of music recording and playback. Only a few coats of paint and some other cosmetic changes left to do. It’s been a lot of work but worth every moment and penny!

As with previous studio acoustic improvements, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. The speaker is boxed in with very heavy wood to ensure most sound is directed forward towards the listener and not the wall behind it. The entire structure is then filled with absorbing insulation. The speaker is acoustically decoupled to prevent structural transmission of vibrations that would cause the flush mount faces and structure to resonate.

Heavy panels are fitted to the front and sides to further reduce the sound coming from the back and sides of the speaker. They also give a sense of liveness to the control room, which is more natural for listeners than a “dead room” sound. The lower part of the structure is covered with fabric panels and acts and a low frequency absorber for the room. A ventilation duct passes through this and emerges on the grill at the bottom.

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Now ultima modifica: 2017-12-16T07:05:14+00:00 da jennifer clark