Improving low frequency acoustics in the studio requires very deep absorption – typically 2 feet (60cm) deep along the back wall! How to add this without using up room space?

One way is to make the room 2 feet longer. But how? Knock down a wall and build them into the roof eaves!

It was a lot of work, but the acoustic benefit is huge, so worth the many weeks of effort to build them.

The wall at the back of the room, old version.


Remove the old wall and acoustic panels!


These custom built “cupboards” go into the eaves. They are built from two layers, one of 18mm OSB, the other of 15mm high density plasterboard. This reduces the amount of sound getting through to the room below.


Cupboards in place, new plasterboard added, sealed and painted.


The “cupboards” are filled with low density insulation. I tested before and after with the calibrated acoustic measurement mic, and the insulation makes a huge difference.


Covered up with fabric panels. These are for appearance only, they make no difference to the acoustic performance.

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Now ultima modifica: 2017-12-16T07:05:14+00:00 da jennifer clark