boogi loushou’s debut album Mr Sundaram released

The debut album by power rock trio boogi loushou has been released. Recording them was a real buzz, done the traditional way with all three musicians playing together in the same room in the studio. We kept a fast pace, recording 8 songs in five consecutive days, and you can really hear the energy and excitement coming through in the music.

Mixing the album was similarly thrilling, being mainly about getting the songs and energy from the trio format into your ears! You can buy Mr. Sundaram on CD or download from the boogi loushou website.

Robert Termer: guitar, backing vocals
Andrew Heade: bass, vocals
Peter Zakarczemny: drums, backing vocals

Recorded and mixed by Jennifer Clark
Mastered by Dave McNair

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boogi loushou’s debut album Mr Sundaram released ultima modifica: 2024-01-08T15:24:29+00:00 da jennifer clark